How Can Stretch Marks Occur?

Most people get stretch marks during puberty, when your skin grows thicker as estrogen levels rise. This usually happens in our twenties, and almost every woman will have them at some point!

Some women develop very dense skin due to hormonal changes, which can make it more difficult for the body to lose water. When this occurs, the skin may begin to pull up into little bumps or wrinkles called papules.

These are not harmful lumps of skin, but they can be annoying to see if you’re self-conscious. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat and prevent stretch mark treatment.

What is hyaluronate gel?

Hyaluronate gel is a naturally occurring compound that helps keep your skin tight and smooth. It comes in lots of different forms and brands, and most work just like silicone does.

You apply it like cream, and let it dry overnight. You can then wash it off easily without having to use too much force.

Poor nutrition

Sometimes, genetics can play a big part in skin issues. If you have a close friend or family member that has persistent stretch marks, it may be because they are genetically pre-disposed to them.

Stress is another factor as an element to add to the list of things that can cause dry skin. More stress means more hormone production which can sometimes result in extra oil being produced.

Certain foods can also contribute to dry skin by contain high levels of acid or alcohol. Make sure to limit your intake of such ingredients if possible.

General tips

When washing yourself, try using a washcloth rather than our hands. Your hands will get slightly dirty less frequently, reducing the need for excessive water and time spent cleaning!

After bathing, apply some plain old olive oil (or any other moisturizer) to avoid drying out of the skin. Let it sit for a few minutes before applying another layer, like makeup.

In fact, when doing your make up, do not overdo it. Just enough to look natural and beautiful! Avoid rubbing your face too much as this could worsen your existing conditions.

Disclaimer: The content written here should be used with caution due to potential complications during pregnancy. Although there are treatments and strategies for sun damage, none of them are guaranteed to work for everyone. Always consult a board certified dermatologist first unless you feel comfortable doing so yourself.

Excessive exercise

When you are exercising too hard, your skin can become tight. This is particularly true for people who workout with weights or take long cardio workouts like running or swimming. Your body naturally produces small amounts of collagen to keep your muscles relaxed, but when you overwork it, your body begins to break down and lose some of this glue.

As your skin relaxes, it becomes tighter and drier. This increases your risk of getting stretch marks due to the structure in which tissues fold under pressure.

Stress also makes our hormones fluctuate, including causing a rise in oestrogen levels. Oestrogen stimulates growth of new cells, so as time passes and stress persists, there is more demand for oestrogen to do that work. That means we have to produce more of it to achieve the same results, and when you run out of oestrogen, your skin goes through a resting phase where it slows its own production.

That’s why many women get rid of their hair during pregnancy — because they don’t want to spend money buying shampoo and conditioners while they’re pregnant!

General tips

If you’re trying to growl out loud at your yoga class, then go ahead! But make sure your hands are warm before grabbing those mats. If your feet hurt after a good amount of walking, try adding some cushioning socks.

Too much bleach

When using the wrong product to remove dark marks, it can do more than just conceal them! You may also get sick or injured from the chemicals used in the process.

Some products contain hydrochloric acid (bleach), which reacts with other molecules or components of your skin. If you overapply the product, then this reaction does not happen quickly and there is excess chemical left behind. This leftover material may remain on your skin for several hours, making it possible to see the mark later.

It is very difficult to prevent stretch marks without knowing what factors caused them in the first place. But if you are able to recognize a bleaching cream that works, then try to use it only as directed so no one has to worry about how well it protects their skin.

Too much tanning

Another factor linked to stretch marks is excessive sun exposure. When your skin cells grow too fast due to frequent sunlight exposures, they may not have time to re-seal themselves or merge together properly. This can result in dry, itchy skin and breakouts that worsen as you age.

Some people are more prone to sun damage than others, so this could also be a genetic factor. People with darker hair and lighter eye color are usually born with thicker protective layers of skin which prevent overexposure.

People who suffer from rosacea, an inflammation disease characterized by red cheeks and nose, are particularly vulnerable to long term sun exposure. Because their skin constantly flushes, it does not have enough time to heal before next attack.

This can lead to persistent dryness and irritation that makes stretch marks seem even worse.

Surgical procedures

Another cause of stretch marks is due to surgical procedures you may need done. This is very common in women who have babies early. If your are trying to get pregnant again, your body will take time to restore itself so it can do so successfully.

Surgical scars often don’t disappear completely until several months later when the skin heals more fully. These hanging pieces from past surgeries can create an area where collagen is thinned out which makes it easier to pull down on the skin.

This process can sometimes continue for years after the surgery depending on how long it takes to heal. It is important to remember that most people feel better and look better one month after their surgery than they did before.

Sun damage

Another cause of skin changes due to hormonal growth is sun exposure. As we grow, our hormones fluctuate as they respond to both external and internal stimuli. When you start puberty, your body begins producing more estrogen and testosterone which can lead to neck bumps or swellings (papules) and thickening of the scalp (sebaceous glands).

These are called acanthotic papulosis because they look like small white or yellowish pimples with a dark center (like a brown eye make up coloration). This condition usually goes away within a few months, but it can be prolonged if there’s significant sun exposure involved.

If you suffer from acne, your symptoms could actually be caused by sun exposure. The UV rays coming in through your skin may be acting as an irritant, causing your sebaceous glands to overproduce oil. This could also contribute to stretch marks since too much oil can leave dry, wrinkled skin.

On the other hand, people who enjoy swimming and/or tanning frequently may develop darker skin pigments that work to protect their skin cells from excess ultraviolet light. Because this process happens naturally, it can help prevent future sunburns and keep your skin healthy!

However, for individuals with very dark pigmentations, this protective effect can sometimes go too far, leading to excessive shadowing and hidernine under-eye concealment.

Lye damage

Another common cause of stretch marks is when you use products with too much acid content. For example, there are many body wash brands that contain lactic acid to help reduce dry skin. This includes shower gels, lotions, and bath bombs!

When your skin gets wet, the water can reach the layer of fat under your skin and then move up towards the surface, creating an uncomfortable feeling for what seems like hours or days.

This is how most people know about milk wrinkles- from babies who need to be bottle fed! Although not pleasant to look at, this does not mean it will go away soon. Only topping off the tank and washing with gentle cleaners will improve the level of moisture in the area.

However, do not spend lots of money on expensive treatments if this article applies to you! There are some very effective low cost ones that work just as well.

Overexposure to the sun

Another common cause of stretch marks is overexposure to sunlight. When your body absorbs too much sunshine, it can sometimes work as an internal source of exposure. For example, when you spend more time in the summer sun, your skin may produce more vitamin D, which helps keep your bone and muscle health.

However, extra doses of UV light can also have another effect: dry, wrinkled skin. As mentioned before, most people feel darker and thicker due to all of the dead cells in the layer of dermis that are producing melanin.

This process usually slows down around age 25, but it can continue to occur in individuals with very sensitive or white skin. Because these individuals are not developing enough new cell layers, there is no way to reduce the amount of damage until the skin has healed! This can take months for every individual’s skin to do so, making it even harder to treat stretched skin.