How To Treat New Stretch Marks?

Stretching can sometimes leave you with unwanted, or what some call “worry marks”. These are referred to as stretch lines or striae because they resemble the stripes that dye into skin. They are typically very light toned and will go away within a few weeks.

Some people develop them due to changes in their body shape or position while wearing certain clothes. This is called dry-ageing and it happens when your skin gets tight from repeated stretching or pulling. It may also happen during pregnancy where the growing baby puts stress on the muscles of your arms, back, legs, etc.

Fortunately, most cases of dry-ageing disappear quickly and easily. If you notice yours staying around longer than one week, there are several ways to treat new stretch marks.

Is it on your skin?

The next step in treating new stretch marks is determining if they are internal or external. If you notice them only on certain areas of your body, this can rule out internal causes such as genetics.

If however, you find that they spread and grow across multiple area and levels, then it’s necessary to look for possible external reasons.

This would include things like weight gain, stress, or dry skin conditions.

Is it smooth or bumpy?

The next thing you want to look for is whether your new stretch marks are smooth or have bumps in them. If they are smoother than before, that means the skin is trying to heal itself!

Smooth stretch marks usually occur when the body goes through a quick stretching process like during pregnancy. Or perhaps the skin is just thinning out and relaxing as dry time after baby is born.

But sometimes, those changes can be longer term. For example, if you are breastfeeding for a long period of time or you physically work out more vigorously afterwards, then there may be prolonged stretching of the skin.

If your new stretch marks are not only persistent but also appear thicker and darker than normal, it may be due to hormonal shifts occurring with menopause.

However, this is very rare.

Something to note is that most people will get rid of their stretch marks within a few months. But some people may need extra help until their skin recovers fully.

Is it on your clothes?

Most people notice stretch marks for the first time when they are trying to conceive or do not feel comfortable about their body shape, so they check to see if there are any before covering up those parts of them. If you find yourself looking at new stretch marks, ask yourself whether this is really important to you.

Is this information relevant to your life? Does this matter more than it should?

If you want to know how to treat new stretch mark treatments, then yes, these are worth investing in. But if you don’t care much about knowing what products work, then you can probably skip directly to the next section!

This article will talk about some potential causes of new stretch marks, as well as some things that may help reduce their appearance. However, only doing one of these things isn’t necessarily going to make all of your old scars disappear either.

Is it dark or light?

The color of your new stretch marks may indicate how you should treat them! Whether they are light, medium, or darker is an important factor in determining whether or not they will go away.

If they are a lighter shade of brown than their surrounding skin, then external factors such as sun exposure or heavy makeup use can be the cause. If they are a slightly deeper tone than your normal skin, then underlying health conditions like inflammation or poor blood circulation could be the culprit.

However if they are a very dark color compared to the rest of your skin, this might suggest that heavier stressors cannot be the source of the damage. Underlying issues such as genetics or chemical exposures could be the reason that your body did not respond well to pregnancy-related hormones.

Given that there are many sources we have no clear idea of what is causing these markings, trying to identify the root causes is beyond our control.

Is it on your hair?

If you notice new stretch marks that are not from pregnancy, then is it on your skin or in your hair is the next thing you should look into.

Stress can cause hyper-pigmentation (darkening) of the skin, which looks like acne but covers more of the area. This usually happens when someone is very stressed out and their body responds by producing darker pigments to protect themselves or make them feel better.

In some cases, people develop dark spots due to genetics. However, stress can also play a factor in this. For example, if a person has been experiencing weight loss due to stress, then they may find areas of their skin where white hairs suddenly turn brown or black.

This article will talk about how to treat yellowish under eye circles caused by dehydration. But first, let’s discuss other ways to reduce stress.

What is the color?

The initial color of a new stretch mark comes from your skin’s natural pigment. Melanin, an important element in human hair, gives your skin its hue.

However, when you are pregnant, hormonal changes can cause your melanin level to drop. This may result in white or light brown marks appearing in some areas of your body.

This happened during early pregnancy with Kyndall! Since she was so obsessed with her baby, she would constantly pull off weight-related clothes and wear very little clothing as her fetus grew.

She noticed her belly stretching out more and more in the waistband of her pants every week! She also had to keep buying bigger sizes due to how much it enlarged.

Since she loved running and biking, her stomach muscles got tight which caused her to get darker toned underneath.

Is it dry or wet?

The next thing you want to do is determine if your new stretch mark is either dry or wet! If they are not quite visible, then they may be dried out pieces of skin that have been stressed by exercising.

Dry marks usually go away within a few weeks as their surrounding skin re-grows and surrounds them. It is best to try to wait until the spring season before trying to pick them off because thicker skin will help preserve the integrity of the underlying layer.

If however, the mark seems darker than its surroundings and is slightly raised above the surface of the skin, then it has probably gone into overgrowth due to being clogged with dead cells.

This can sometimes take longer to disappear since it requires both growth and death of tissue. A way to aid in the process is to use light sunblock every day for the skin around the patch to prevent further cell multiplication.

What does it smell like?

While some people may be able to overlook their new stretch marks, other parts of your body can’t seem to help but notice them. Your hair will begin to lose its bounce and tone down in thickness as it tries to conceal the scars.

Your skin will become slightly dry and flaky due to the extra stress caused by all of the hairs sticking out. If you feel this happening for yourself, then take some time to give yourself a good amount of praise for your efforts to prevent more damage.

Because most people are familiar with fake tan products, many assume that using those products is the best way to treat newly developing stretch mark treatments. Unfortunately though, this isn’t always the case.

We have compiled our top recommendations here! Some cost less than $1 each and they can make a difference between giving your self a bit better coverage or looking like you spent too much money on futile attempts to hide your lovely self.