How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally

Stretch marks are quite a common occurrence for pregnant women. While some people consider them ugly, most find them interesting to look at. They occur when your body produces extra collagen and elastic tissue as the skin grows in size during pregnancy.

Some individuals may also develop dry or flaky skin due to excessive hormone production, but this is not related to stretch mark development. Unfortunately, overexposure to sunlight can cause the skin to thin out, which makes symptoms worse.

Fortunately, there are several ways you can prevent get rid of natural stretch marks. This article will discuss some potential treatments that work for many sufferers. So, stay tuned! Let us begin by looking more closely at what causes these marks.

What Are Natural Stretch Mark Causes?

Most women gain weight around their thighs, stomach, arms, and/or chest during puberty, early adulthood, and (in some cases) menopause. As they age, their skin becomes less tight and elastic, so it takes longer to bounce back after being stretched.

This can sometimes result in lingering pink or purple lines called “stretch” marks. Fortunately, most people have a way to treat and eventually eliminate these signs.

However, make sure to do research first before trying any new products. Some don’t work and could even be harmful for your skin. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can try to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Expose yourself to sunlight

After giving birth, your body goes through some dramatic changes. One of these is a natural skin reddening or tanning of certain areas of your skin. This happens because your body doesn’t produce enough vitamin D while you are pre-baby and then it requires that extra boost after the baby comes out.

When sun exposure isn’t possible due to photophobic reactions (skin sensitivity to light) or self-care restrictions, most people turn to expensive topical treatments or cosmetic surgery as solutions.

Neither of those are needed when we have our own Vitamin D! You can easily get enough by eating more foods that contain vitamin D like salmon, egg yolks, and milk. But for women who aren’t able to do this, exposing their bodies to sunlight is an easy way to gain back the healthy layer of soft, kissable skin.

Certain types of sunlight can be protective against stretch marks so instead of using direct sunlight, try rubbing in natural sun rays via a special UV bath sheet or tanning bed.

Use a cream

One of the most popular ways to get rid of stretch marks is by using a topical product such as a moisturizer or gel that contains hydroxyprolates. Hydroxyprolates are chemicals found in some plants and bone material. They work by attacking the layer of dead skin cells that harden with growth hormones.

This process works because when your body doesn’t use those growth hormones, they start to drop so you can actually see them evaporate. Unfortunately, most hydroxyprolate gels contain alcohol as a solvent which may cause dry patches and uncomfortable feelings.

There are also products containing Vitamin A which help prevent new scars from re-growing. Some people feel this makes the skin even more sensitive than it was before.

Use a gel

One important thing to know about stretch marks is that they are not caused by pregnancy, but rather due to two things: genetics and growth. Due to differences in skin texture and thickness, some people will get more noticeable stretch marks than others.

That’s why it is very hard to completely eradicate them – you just have to learn to accept your body as it is!

Luckily, there are certain products out there for the market that contain natural oils that work to reduce or even remove stretch marks. Some of these products include olive oil, cocoa butter, and lactic acid.

Many people use either olive oil or coconut oil because both improve the overall health and moisture level of the skin. Lactic acid works to eliminate dead cells so when used in a bath or wash-off treatment, it helps restore the elasticity of the skin.

By using one of these treatments regularly, you will see results within several weeks. Sometimes people find that doing this twice a week is enough, while other times people need to do it every day to see changes.

Use a lot of moisturizer

When using the natural remove stretch marks treatments, one must make sure that your skin is well-moisturized. If you use too much dry shampoo or powder, your face will look very shiny and this can easily be seen under the camera lens when taking pictures.

Too many people rely heavily on concealers and foundations which are not compatible with their own skins condition. Some have overly dark complexions that do not match their natural tone and others suffer from allergies which prevent them from applying appropriate levels of foundation.

Use a mirror

One of the most basic natural ways to get rid of stretch marks is by using a good quality, heavy duty makeup or cosmetic-covering hand product!

Many people have success applying light concealers under their eyes and covering up any dark areas with lighter foundation or powder. If you are very careful about your skin care routine, this can also help prevent new stretch mark development as well!

General tips: When trying out a new skincare regime or process, do not apply too much of anything until you have test run it. Only then can you determine if it worked for you or not!

Also, remember that these treatments may work slightly differently for every individual’s skin type so please do not expect miracles unless you try at least one of them first.

Get a laser treatment

One of the most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks is by using a topical gel or cream that contains vitamin A. Vitamin A works in two different ways to aid in skin re-covery. It can increase the moisture content of your dry skin, and it may also promote collagen production.

Some research indicates that oxybenzone, an ingredient found in some sunscreens, may interfere with how well vitamin A binds to your skin. Therefore, try to use a sunscreen that does not contain oxybenzone before seeking help for your stretch mark problem.

Many people report good results using retinol gels under their hands and feet to prevent new stretch marks from forming. If this technique seems helpful for you, do not apply the gel directly onto existing stretch marks – instead, wash your hand or foot and then apply the gel.

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